Evolution of the Agrochemical Industry and Presence of Databases

  • Admin
  • 14 February 2024


The agrochemical sector, which has made significant contributions to the global food production landscape, played an important role in developing today's agricultural practices. The sector has evolved considerably in recent years, adjusting to technological developments, legal changes and concerns for the environment.

This blog is an exploration of the past, present and future of the agrochemical sector on a global scale while examining its specific development in India. In addition, the key role played by top pharmaceutical database company in India such as Chemxpert in the development and sustainability of the agrochemical sector will be discussed.


The agrochemical industry has its roots in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when synthetic pesticides and fertilizers were introduced to boost crop yields. The development of chemicals like DDT and nitrogen-based fertilizers marked a significant shift in agricultural practices. The 20th century witnessed a surge in the production of herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides, enabling farmers to combat pests and diseases effectively.

Present Scenario:

The agrochemical sector is moving through a scenario influenced by sustainability and precision agriculture in today's age. An increased awareness of environmental issues and consumers' preference for organic and sustainably produced products is leading to a shift in the industry toward more rational practice.

  • Global Perspective

The global market for agrochemicals is supposed to reach around USD 8.22 billion in 2021. (Courtesy: Mordor intelligence) The growing demand for products that protect against crop loss and increase yields, the market continues to grow. (Courtesy: Deloitte)

  • Indian Perspective

The Indian agrochemicals industry was valued at around INR 42,000 Crore (~6 Billion USD) in 2019-20. India is the fifth-largest producer and the fourth-largest exporter of agrochemicals (Courtesy: FICCI)

Future Outlook:

Technological progress, sustainable practices and the need for proper agriculture are expected to shape the future of the agrochemical sector. By 2029, the international agrochemical market is projected to reach USD 13.08 billion, which will be growing at a compound annual growth rate of 4 % between the time periods of 2024 to 2029. (Courtesy: Mordor Intelligence)

India will be increasing its focus on the organic farming and sustainability. The agrochemical industry in India is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate between 8 and 10% till the end of 2025. (Courtesy: FICCI) The agrochemical sector is anticipated to reach USD 18.1 by 2025. (Courtesy: India chemical news)

Role of Chemical Databases specially Chemxpert:

By providing a complete overview of different chemicals, their properties and applications, chemical databases like Chemxpert are playing an essential role in the agrochemical industry. These databases help researchers, scientists and industry professionals to make informed decisions on the development and use of agrochemicals.

Chemxpert database:

It is a top API pharma database company in India which provides for access to preliminary information on all agrochemical products. They provide a comprehensive overview of buyers, suppliers, the pharmaceutical industry global market size, clinical trials, patents, certificates, regulatory information, warnings, prices and current trends in the area of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology. These databases make it easier for top management and business development to access the preliminary information on any agrochemical product. Some of the agrochemicals included in the Chemxpert database are dieldrin, ammonium nitrate, diammonium phosphite, Allethrin, etc.


Continuous efforts to balance productivity with sustainability are reflected in the evolution of the agrochemical sector. The role of chemical databases such as Chemxpert in fostering innovation, ensuring regulatory compliance and promoting responsible practice is becoming increasingly important with a view to the future. A harmonious integration of technology, sustainability and cooperation across the value chain for agriculture will be crucial to the evolution of the agrochemicals sector worldwide and in India.