ChemProtel - Product Intelligence

ChemProtel - Product Intelligence is one of the module of Chemxpert, which primarily focus on product related information across all lifesciences industries.

ChemProtel covers all products falling under, Pharma API, Pharma Finished Dosages, Pharma Intermediates, Agrochemical Actives, Agro-formulations, Agro-Intermediates, Excipients, Dyes & Pigments, Biologics and Biosimilar, Bio chemicals, Food, Nutraceuticals, Extracts, Polymers, Flavour and fragrances, Veterinary Actives, Veterinary Finished Dosages, Impurities, Antibiotics, Vaccines, Fine and Specialty Chemicals, Enzymes, Basic Chemicals, Inorganic and Organic compounds.

Key Highlights

1 Million


1 Million


0.3 Million


0.7 Million


The ChemProtel module have been classified to facilitate the organized structures of Information as follows:

Basic Information Tab covers, an overview of the molecule such as its Chemical Name, CAS Number, Molecular Weight and Formula, the Innovator and Developer of the Molecule, its Indication, Therapeutic Area and Molecule’s Approval Year.

The Basic information tab can be summarized as below :-

  • Chemical Name
  • CAS No.
  • Molecular Formula
  • Molecular Weight
  • Innovator
  • Developer
  • Indication
  • Therapeutic area
  • Market Status
  • Approval Year

Technical Information Tab provide information regarding the molecules Industry level application, end application, various Route of Synthesis and its Mechanism of Action with access to PDF and excel files available for download.

The Technical Information tab can be summarized as below :-

  • Industry level application
  • End Application (If Applicable)
  • Route of Synthesis
  • Raw Materials consumed
  • Mechanism of Action
  • Technology or Reaction type

Commercial Information Tab provides information about the molecules Global Market Size both in Metric Ton as well as Million US Dollars, Average Price in USD per Kg and the US Drug sales.

The Commercial Information tab can be summarized as below :-

  • Global Market Size (MT)
  • Global Market Size (MUSD)
  • Average Price (USD/KG.)
  • US Drug Sales (M USD)
  • UK Drugs Sales (MUSD)

Supplier Information Tab provides information related to different suppliers such as their contact details, supplying volume in metric ton, supplier certification and list of countries covered, across the globe.

The Supplier Information tab can be summarized as below :-

  • Number of Supplier
  • Supplying Volume (MT)
  • Supplier Certification
  • List of Countries
  • Suppliers Email

Buyers Information Tab this portion buyers such as their contact details, buying volume in metric ton, buyer certification and list of countries covered, across the globe.

The Basic Information tab can be summarized as below :-

  • List of Buyers
  • Buying Volume (MT)
  • Buyer Certification
  • List of Countries
  • Buyers Email

Patent Tab includes information regarding the patent expiry, exclusivity and Para IV in the US, SPC and Off-Patent Drugs (No Generics Approved).

The patent tab can be summarized as below :-

  • Patent Expiry (US)
  • Exclusivity (US)
  • SPC
  • Para IV (US)
  • Patent Expiry (Canada)
  • Off Patent - No Generics Approved
  • US-Pharma Patent Disputes
  • Canada- Patent Data Protection
  • India Drug Patent Granted
  • Korea Patent Expiry

Clinical Trial Tab provides information about clinical trials from Phase 0 to IV spanning over various countries for the particular molecule:

  • United States
  • Europe
  • Japan
  • Canada
  • Korea
  • India
  • Australia and New Zealand

Regulatory Fillings / Registration / Approvals Tab provides information about all the INDs, NDAs, establishment license applications, DMFs (Drug Master File), applications for Orphan Drug designation, Fast Track approval application and other similar applications that may be required by any regulatory authority for the development of an API or commercialization of any product.

Regulatory info (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients) gives information regarding the total number of regulatory filings for a particular drug substance or product.

The Pharma Active Ingredient tab can be summarized as below :-

  • JDMF
  • KDMF
  • EU API Registered
  • India EU Written
  • India Import License
  • REACH Registration
  • China-API Registered
  • Egypt-API Registered

Regulatory info (Pharma Finished Dosage) refers to finalized product that is meant for sale and consumption.

The Pharma Finished Dosage tab can be summarized as below :-

North America
  • Canada
  • US- Exipients
  • US- Veterinary
  • Cuba
  • Mexico
1. National Registered
  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Cyprus
  • Czech
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Slovakia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Italy
  • Lithuania
  • Malta
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • United Kingdom
  • Slovenia
  • Belarus
  • Ireland
  • Latvia
  • Romania
  • Moldova
  • Bosnia & Herzegovina
2. Centralized
3. Decentralized
  • Decentralized registered
4. Others
  • Veterinary Registered
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
South America
  • Bolivia
  • Venezuela
  • Panama
  • Brazil
  • Argentina
  • Colombia
  • Peru
  • Thailand
  • India Import License
  • India New Drug
  • China
  • South Korea
  • Srilanka
  • Bangladesh
  • Pakistan
  • Armenia
  • Japan
  • Maldives
  • Laos
  • Kuwait
  • Indonesia
  • Israel
  • Egypt
  • Saudi Arabia
  • UAE
  • Qatar
  • Bahrain
  • Uzbekistan
  • Malaysia
  • Philippines
  • Singapore
  • Hong Kong
  • Vietnam
  • Myanmar
  • Lebanon
  • Bhutan
  • Turkey (Turkiye)

Certification Tab provides information about the compliance certificates issued for the particular molecule

  • USFDA Certified Facility
  • EU GMP Certified Facility
  • Japan PMDA Certified Facility
  • Canada Certified Facility
  • India CDSCO Certified Facility
  • India WHO-GMP-Certified Plants

Warnings & Alerts Tab provides information about number of warning letters or alerts issued for the particular molecule/drug.

  • USFDA Recall/Withdrawal
  • USFDA Warning
  • USFDA Facility Inspection
  • India CDSCO Banned Drug
  • EU-Under Monitoring list
  • India NPPA
  • India NLEM
  • USFDA Form 483
  • WHO Essentials Medicine

All information or part of information can be fetched, by searching the product name or CAS number. The entire information or part of information can be accessed through subscription, for more details, contact us.